Health Waiver

Please read carefully:

By completing and signing our Health Waiver Form you consent that you agree to both the Absolute Contraindications and our Informed Consent detailed below:

Absolute Contraindications

You must not use the Power Plate machine if:

• You’re pregnant

• You have severe osteoporosis

• You have a severe heart condition

• You have acute thrombosis

• You have a pacemaker

• You have cancer

CONSENT: I confirm that by signing the Health Waiver, I have read and understood the above Contraindications (none of which apply to me), the Informed Consent wording (below) and have answered ‘no’ to all questions in the Health Questionnaire. I confirm that I will notify the trainer if there is any change in my health or circumstances which might impact on my ability to attend Power Plate® training.

Informed Consent:

I confirm that I will notify the trainer if there is any change in my health or circumstances which might impact on my ability to attend Power Plate® training.

Please read and sign the Health Waiver prior to taking part in training programme with Power Plate®

Explanation of a Power Plate® training session

The session will consist of activities that are designed to gradually improve the efficiency with which the body functions, although no guarantee of improvement can be made. Exercise levels will be progressive and will be regulated by the trainer. During the session, and for a period after, you may experience local muscular soreness and slight fatigue, these minor discomforts should disappear within 48 hours. If not you should inform your trainer.

Risks and discomforts of Power Plate® training sessions

The reaction of the body to such activities cannot always be predicted. There exists the risk of certain changes occurring during or following exercise, these include abnormalities of blood pressure, heart rate or in rare instances, cardiac complications. Should you feel unwell or unsure please let the trainer know immediately. Every effort will be made to avoid any adverse reaction. A doctor will not be present during the sessions.


All information acquired during Power Plate® training sessions will be treated as privileged and confidential, as per our Privacy Policy which can be found on this website..


You are free to stop the session at any time. Please make sure that before signing this form all your questions have been answered. Take as much time as necessary to think it over and if you wish, discuss your participation with your doctor.

Behaviour / Appearance

You must at all times dress and behave appropriately. We reserve the right to ask you to leave if we think your appearance ar behaviour is not suitable. In extreme circumstances we may terminate your membership and refund the balance of any payment.

Health Waiver Form